Musicoterapia y trauma en la UCI neonatal: intervención multimodal centrada en la familia
Cinthia Nicolini
Specialist in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagination with Music. Association for Music and Imagery Atlantis Institute for Consciousness and Music. Colombus (USA)
The following intervention proposal in Music Therapy is aimed at parents or caregivers of babies admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Its objective is to offer them a framework of containment in the face of the traumatic event experienced, favor their psychological well-being and consequently strengthen the bond with the newborn. This multimodal intervention is a complementary support to the RBL method used at the NICU, includes also a group intervention with the GIM method and the creation of a new environmental music model called Birthing Harp. It is an easy-to- implement intervention and a valuable contribution to the humanization of the hospital system.
Nicolini, C. (2024). Music Therapy and trauma in the NICU: Family centered multimodal intervention [Musicoterapia y trauma en la
UCI neonatal: intervención multimodal centra- da en la familia]. Misostenido, 4(6), 6-14. https://doi.org/10.59028/misostenido.2024.02
Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), family centered approach, multimodal intervention, Birthing harp, trauma.
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Musicoterapia y trauma en la UCI neonatal.
intervención multimodal centrada en la familia
Cinthia Nicolini
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Music Therapy and trauma in the NICU: Family centered multimodal intervention
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